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The Annual Atkins Garden Walk

Every summer, scientists in the UIC Pharmacognosy Institute host the Annual Atkins Garden Walk, an open house that is free and open to the public. It includes time to explore the garden, to discuss medicinal plants with researchers from the College of Pharmacy, and to hear a scientific lecture on a topic related to medicinal plants.

The 18th annual Atkins Garden Walk - Friday, August 2, 2024 Heading link

Dr. Elaine Elisabetsky - 2024 Farnsworth Lecturer

12:30 pm Norman R. Farnsworth Lecture by Dr. Elaine Elisabetsky

Previous Atkins Garden Walks and Lectures Heading link

2023 (17th annual Garden Walk)

Collaborative Research to discover new drug leads and a Love Affair with the Atkins Medicinal Plant Garden: A Journey – presented by Dr. D. Doel Soejarto, Professor Emeritus.

2022 (16th annual Garden Walk)

Lichens – evolutionary insights into colorful chemical factories. – presented by Dr. Thorsten Lumbsch

2021 (15th Garden Walk | Hydrid event w/online lecture and virtual walk)

Plant Medicines in Integrative Cancer Care – presented by Dr. Charlotte Gyllenhaal

2020 (14th Garden Walk | Virtual Event)

This year featured a virtual tour led by the Director of the Atkins Garden, Dr. Doel Soejarto, and organized by the following pharmacognosy experts and contributors: Dr. Bethany Elkington, Dr. James Graham, Dr. Jonathan Bisson, Dr. Bernard Santarsiero, and Dr. Guido Pauli.

2019 (13th Garden Walk)

Superfruits – Why are they good for you?  – presented by Dr. David Seigler

2018 (12th Garden Walk)

What is in a name? The complexity of Medicinal Plant Products – presented by Dr. Joseph Betz

2017 (11th Garden Walk)

no speaker

2016 (10th Garden Walk)

Medicinal plants in relation to diet: global ethnobotanical and laboratory insights for the health of contemporary North Americans – presented by Dr. Timothy Johns

2015 (9th Garden Walk)

Medical Ethnobotany and the Discovery of New Drugs for Antibiotic Resistance Infections – presented by Dr. Cassandra L. Quave

2014 (8th Garden Walk)

Understanding Traditional Healing Plants of Tropical Rainforest in Northern South America – presented by Dr. Memory Elvin-Lewis

2013 (7th Garden Walk)

In Quest of Tomorrow’s Medicine from Native Plants of the Prairie – presented by Dr. Barbara Timmermann

2012 (6th Garden Walk)

Ethnobotany and the Discovery of New Drugs – presented by Dr. Paul A. Cox

2011 (5th Garden Walk)

Recent Advances in the Development of Anticancer Agents from Plants and Other Natural Sources – presented by Dr. Gordon M. Cragg

2010 (4th Garden Walk)

From Folk Medicine to Phytomedicine: Medicinal Plants in the Modern World – presented by Steven Foster

2009 (3rd Garden Walk)

Conservation & Preservation of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: Effects of Climate Change & Direct Human Activity & Solutions – presented by Mark Blumenthal

2008 (2nd Garden Walk – 2-day event)

  • Harald Schwarz (Hopsteiner – S.S. Steiner, Inc., New York): “Hop growing and usage”
  • Bethany Elkington (Ph.D. candidate, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago):  “Biological  evaluation of plants of Laos used in the treatment of tuberculosis in Lao Traditional Medicine”
  • Paul Matthew (Hopsteiner – S.S. Steiner, Inc., New York): “Towards metabolic engineering of phytoestrogen content of hops”
  • Norman Farnsworth (College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago): “Medicinal Plants of the United States used in Disease Treatment”
  • Gail Mahady (College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago): “Medicinal Plants from Central America used in Women’s Health”

2007 (1st Garden Walk – 2-day event)

  • Keith Block (Block Center for Integrative Cancer Care, Evanston, Illinois): “Plants and cancer: Diet and botanicals”
  • Judy Bolton (College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago): “Botanical dietary supplements as natural hormone replacement therapy”
  • Norman Farnsworth (College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago): “Work at the UIC/NIH Center for Botanical Dietary Supplements Research for Women’s Health”
  • Greg Stack (University of Illinois Extension, Urbana-Champaign/Illinois Urban Programs Resource Network): “Making Medicinal Plants Part of the Ornamental Garden”
  • Djaja Doel Soejarto (College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago): “Discovering Plants That Cure”