qNMR Summit | The Integrative Global qNMR Expert & Discussion Forum
qNMR Summit events are globally accessible expert and discussion forums on quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (qNMR), an analytical methodology of wide utility in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, and biomedicine that continues to grow steadily.
The goal of qNMR Summits is to convene worldwide stakeholders from academia, government, industry, pharmacopoeias, and regulatory agencies and offer a platform for scientific exchange on the latest qNMR developments, applications, and knowledge in the field of qNMR. qNMR Summits are organized collaboratively since 2016 by teams of volunteers.
Next qNMR Summit 2024 August 15+16 in Chicago (Hybrid Event)
Timeline & Overview of qNMR Summit Events Heading link
The inaugural qNMR Summit took place in Rockville (MD) on October 6+7, 2016. Since then, qNMR Summit events have been hosted worldwide. Flagship event include globally coordinated conferences with participants from all over the world.
8th qNMR Summit August 2024
The qNMR Summit 2024 (qNMR Summit 8.0) will be held as a hybrid event with in-person participation (maximum attendance: 100) and a virtual component on August 15 and 16, 2024, in Chicagoland at Dominican University, River Forest (IL).
The qNMR Summit 2024 is hosted by Dominican University (DU) and co-organized by scientists at DU, the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC, Pharmacognosy Institute), and The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).
The conference will span two full days for in-person participants packed with scientific and networking activities. This will include information-rich 4-hour hybrid components on both days, which are offered for participants worldwide.
The in-person registration fee will cover meals on both days. Please note that the meeting facility has a limited capacity of 100 individuals.
- Further information including about registration and the conference program is accessible through the following pages:
- The organizers may be contacted via email at qnmrsummit2024@qnmrsummit.com
This qNMR Summit 2024 has three key topics, to which participants contribute oral presentations and digital posters (see Abstract Submission and Deadlines):
- Topic 1: Current Status and Paths to Regulatory Acceptance
- Topic 2: Broadening the qNMR User Base
- Topic 3: Innovative and Groundbreaking qNMR Applications
7th qNMR Summit March 2023
The qNMR Summit in Spring 2023 (qNMR Summit 7.0) was originally scheduled for March 2020, but could not be held due to the global health situation.
It was conducted as an in-person conference on March 29-31, 2023, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Further information including the conference program:
6th qNMR Summit October 2021
The qNMR Summit 2021 (qNMR Summit 6.0) was conducted as a virtual conference on October 5-7, 2021. It was co-organized by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the Center for National Product Technologies (CENAPT) of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy. The event organizers were Anton Bzhelyansky (USP), Yang Liu (USP), and Guido Pauli (UIC).
- The qNMR Summit 2021 was convened for 4 hours on each of the three conference days
- The time windows differed each day to allow participation from all over the world, and the conference had over 300 active participants, the strongest turnout of any qNMR Summit so far.
- Further information including the conference program:
- The qNMR Summit 2021 featured the Inaugural George Hanna Award for Advancement of Quantitative NMR.
- Hanna qNMR Award: Call for Nominations
- Awardee: Dr. Bernd Diehl, Cologne, Germany
- The MRC article about George Hanna’s qNMR Legacy is an Open Access publication at DOI:10.1002/mrc.5099
- The Analytical Chemistry article on qNMR Summits and qNMR Technology Status is an Open Access publication at DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.1c02056
- qNMR Coverpage in Analytical Chemistry 2021, Vol. 39
5th qNMR Summit October 2019
The fifth qNMR Summit 2019 was held on October 2+3, 2019 at the Headquarters of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) in Rockville, MD (USA). It was co-organized by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the Center for National Product Technologies (CENAPT) of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy. The event organizers were Anton Bzhelyansky (USP), Yang Liu (USP), and Guido Pauli (UIC).
- Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 2+3, 2019: the two-day qNMR Summit 2019 program involved presentations and ample time for interaction and discussions on all aspects of qNMR.
- The qNMR Summit 2019 was be held at the USP Headquarters in Rockville, MD (U.S.A.)
- Official Synopsis of the qNMR Summit 2019 as PDF file. This document contains the program, transcript of all presentations, and a summary of the final panel discussion.
- qNMR Summit 2019 Webpage
- qNMR Summit 2019 Program
- A modest registration fee covered meals on both days and a social event on October 2 evening.
- Friday, Oct. 4, 2019: a one-day NMR Validation Workshop, was organized by the ValidNMR Group and held nearby at Steelyard Analytics in Gaithersburg (MD).
4th qNMR Summit October 2018
The fourth qNMR Summit 2018 was convened by U. Holzgrabe at the University of Wuerzburg (Germany). The two-day program included the following topics and a poster section.
- Wednesday, Oct. 10: qNMR Workshop, Automatic qNMR Workshop; Session on Regulatory Affairs and qNMR
- Thursday, Oct. 11: The USP Perspective, Short talks on qNMR topics, Session on Low-field NMR in qNMR, open discussions on comparison studies and validation
3rd qNMR Summit January 2018
The third qNMR Summit 2018 was held on January 29+30 in Tokyo (Japan), at Fukuracia Marunouchi Oazo, Fukuracia OAZO, 16th floor. The event was organized by T. Fujimoto (Jeol, Japan) and T. Miura (FUJIFILM-Wako, Japan).
- Monday, Jan. 29: International qNMR Forum: Working toward ISO – Understanding NMR Standards in the World
- Tuesday, Jan. 30: USP qNMR Symposium on NMR and qNMR in the Pharmacopeial Context – “International qNMR Symposium: qNMR in Pharmaceutical Science – Present and Future“
- Copy of the 1st Circular of the 3rd qNMR Summit 2018
2nd qNMR Summit March 2017
The second qNMR Summit 2017 was held on March 16+17 at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) in Berlin (Germany). The program covered a variety of technical discussions from academic, industrial, and government speakers, and addressed issues of qNMR validation and setting up of a qNMR Wiki. The chair was Michael Maiwald of BAM.
1st qNMR Summit October 2016
The inaugural qNMR Summit 2016 was held on October 6+7, 2016 at the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) in Rockville, MD (USA). It was organized by Gabriel Giancaspro and Anton Bzhelyansky of USP and Guido Pauli of the Center for Natural Product Technologies (CENAPT) of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy.
- Thursday, October 6: qNMR Background & Perspectives and qNMR at USP, qNMR at Large, Small Molecule NMR in Pharmacy
- Friday, October 7: Flash Presentations & Flash Discussion of qNMR Theory and qNMR Practice
- Copy of The qPackage, a 32-page Guidebook for Participants