Bethany G. Elkington
Research Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences | Associate Director of Ethnobotany Resources, Pharmacognosy Institute | Curator Atkins Medicinal Plant Garden, College of Pharmacy | Institute Affiliate, Pharmacognosy Institute
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Research Interests: Heading link
Exploring how plants and people-plant interactions affect human health and well-being, with focus on traditional herbal medicines in Southeast Asia, West Africa, and the Chicago area.
Selected Grants
Medicinal Plants of Laos: Discoveries, Conservation, amd Community Engagement: Phase II, California Community Foundation., 7/1/2019 - 6/30/2022, Obligated Amount: $219090; Anticipated Amount: $219090
California Community Foundation (CCF) Elina Vesara Ostern Fund, California Community Foundation., 7/1/2013 - 12/31/2014, Obligated Amount: $53804; Anticipated Amount: $53804
Selected Publications
Ren, Yulin, Elkington, Bethany G, Henkin, Joshua M, Sydara, Kongmany, Kinghorn, A Douglas, Soejarto, Djaja D. (2021). Bioactive small-molecule constituents of Lao plants. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 15, (12), 540-559. doi:10.5897/jmpr2021.7137.
Sawadogo, Wamtinga Richard, Luo, Yun, Elkington, Bethany, He, Tong-Chuan, Wang, Chong-Zhi, Yuan, Chun-Su. (2021). Assessment of the Cytotoxicity, Cell Cycle Arrest and Pro-apoptotic Effects of Two African Botanicals, Lantana ukambensis (Vatke) Verdc and Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile on Human Colorectal Cancer Cells. Technological Innovation in Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 1. (pp. 31-49). doi:10.9734/bpi/tipr/v1/2249e.
Henkin, Joshua M, Sydara, Kongmany, Xayvue, Mouachanh, Souliya, Onevilay, Kinghorn, A Douglas, Burdette, Joanna E, Chen, Wei-Lun, Elkington, Bethany G, Soejarto, Djaja D. (2017). Revisiting the linkage between ethnomedical use and development of new medicines: A novel plant collection strategy towards the discovery of anticancer agents.. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 11, (40), 621-634. doi:10.5897/jmpr2017.6485.
Tibiri, André, Sawadogo, Wamtinga Richard, Dao, Abou, Elkington, Bethany G, Ouedraogo, Noufou, Guissou, Innocent Pierre. (2015). Indigenous Knowledge of Medicinal Plants Among Dozo Hunters: An Ethnobotanical Survey in Niamberla Village, Burkina Faso. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 21, (5), 294-303. doi:10.1089/acm.2014.0016.
Elkington, Bethany G, Phiapalath, Phaivanh, Sydara, Kongmany, Somsamouth, Vongtakoune, Goodsmith, Nichole I, Soejarto, D Doel. (2014). Assessment of the importance of medicinal plants among communities around Khiat Ngong of southern Laos.. Journal of Environmental Biology, 35, (4), 607-615.
Elkington, Bethany, Soejarto, Djaja Djendoel, Sydara, Kongmany. (2014). Ethnobotany of Tuberculosis in Laos. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10656-4.
Elkington, Bethany G, Sydara, Kongmany, Newsome, Andrew, Hwang, Chang Hwa, Lankin, David C, Simmler, Charlotte, Napolitano, José G, Ree, Richard, Graham, James G, Gyllenhaal, Charlotte, Bouamanivong, Somsanith, Souliya, Onevilay, Pauli, Guido F, Franzblau, Scott G, Soejarto, Djaja Djendoel. (2013). New finding of an anti-TB compound in the genus Marsypopetalum (Annonaceae) from a traditional herbal remedy of Laos. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 151, (2), 903-911. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2013.11.057.
Elkington, Bethany G, Sydara, Kongmany, Hartmann, John F, Southavong, Bounhong, Soejarto, D Doel. (2013). Folk Epidemiology Recorded in Palm Leaf Manuscripts of Laos.. Journal of Lao studies, 3, (1), 1-14.
Elkington, BG, Sydara, K, Newsome, A, Hwang, CH, Simmler, C, Lankin, DC, Souliya, O, Franzblau, SG, Soejarto, DD. (2013). Bioactive Plants Used to Treat Symptoms of Tuberculosis from Traditional Medicines of Laos. Planta Medica, 79, (10). doi:10.1055/s-0033-1348592.