PHCI’s Dr. Fong Co-chair of Global WHO Panel on TCM for COVID-19 Treatment

Dr. Harry Fong, of UIC’s WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicine and a member of the Interaction Collaborative Group (iCoG) within the Pharmacognosy Institute, served as one of two Co-Chairs of a WHO consultative meeting entitled: "WHO Expert Meeting (online) on Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of COVID-19”. Held from 2/28 to 3/2 2022, the meeting was attended by international experts invited from member states from all six WHO Regions (WPRO, EURO, EMRO, AFRO, SEARO) spread across many time zones, in addition to a number of WHO and Local Secretariat staff members. Dr. Fong, who has been a member of the Expert Advisory Panel of the WHO’s Programme on Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine since 1997, also participated in a month long weekly “Working Group” online meetings in preparation for this event.