PHCI Ethnobotany Expert Dr. Touwaide Contributes to 6-Tome Opus on Human Plant Culture
Drs. Alain Touwaide (left) and Emanuala Appetiti (right)
Comprehensive New Book Series on the Cultural History of Plants
Dr. Alain Touwaide, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Pharmacognosy Institute (PHCI) and active in PHCI's eCoG Team, has contributed major components to the 6-tome book series, "Cultural History of Plants", which provides a very comprehensive coverage of the topic and took several years or preparation. The "Cultural History of Plants" opus is part of the Cultural Histories Series published by Bloomsbury Cultural History. Dr. Touwaide wrote the chapter "Plants and Medicine" in tome 1, edited tome 2 about the Post-Classical World, and wrote the Introduction chapter as well as the chapter "Plants as Luxury Foods" in tome 2.
Modified on October 05, 2022